There's a little story behind this box... I went to the flea last month, and saw this display case sitting in the bed of the seller's truck. My heart fluttered, but I had the feeling it was already sold. :( So with a long face , I made my way down up and down each row. I could not stop thinking about that case! I'm sure many of you can relate. I was kicking myself for not getting there just 15 minutes earlier. On my way out, I went back to the seller just one more time...maybe the buyer forgot to pick it up? Wishful thinking but no way..it was gone. Later that morning, I phoned a friend whom I had seen earlier that morning, and asked her if she had seen that case. Actually, I wasn't too surprised when I found out she was the lucky new owner of the piece I was drooling over. So I asked her to give me first dibs if she ever decided to sell it. Well, I never dreamed she would call, but 2 days ago, I received an email from her. I could not wait to go pick it up, and I cradled it like a baby all the way to the car! hahaha... Sometimes I look over at it and still can't believe it's here with me..after all that fuss.

The glass door opens in the most unique way! There is a latch on either side and the doors lays forward instead of swinging open like a door. I thought this was a clock case, but I'm beginning to think otherwise.

Okay ..so now I need to hear your opinions. It has a slot for glass shelf about mid way. Do I have a piece of glass cut for this, or should I leave it as is and display a taller piece? I would love to display a few old clocks in it, but they seem to get lost on the bottom shelf. I also love the bust displayed in it, but she might be a bit too large for it.. your thoughts?