Last April, I
posted about our neighbor's house, which reminds me so much of the famous
Grey Gardens. The owner recently passed on, the daughter will be moving, and the house will be going up for sale shortly. How I would love to have a house like this, but it would take more time and money than I have. Only half of the house has electricity, the front porch is a goner, as is the upper balcony. As you can see, the exterior has been neglected.

The weeds and shrubs have taken over the garden, but if you look closely you can still find the beauty. There really is something magical about this house.

There are so many of these old porch columns, that I forgot to count. I just hope that whoever buys the house, has plans to restore it. If not, I want the columns!

The formal living room has a fireplace and piano to the right.

I was asked to come over last weekend, as the daughter is trying to sell some of the items that they have no use for. They are keeping many wonderful things to remember their mother by, but it's impossible to keep it all. There was so much. As I walked into the dining room, there were things piled on the table and buffet. The kitchen cupboards were filled with Jewel Tea dishes, depression glass, carnival glass and more. My head was spinning and I didn't know where to start.

The view from the bottom of the staircase.

I love this stairway and railing, the high ceilings and windows trimmed in the old wood. I know these are common place in many parts of the U.S., but not so common where I live. I could have stood there for an hour taking it all in.

I actually lived in this house from birth to around 1 1/2 yrs of age, since we moved before my 2nd birthday. It would have been a wonderful house to grow up in and raise a big family. Not one, but two "hiding spots" under the stairwell. The only memory I have from living here are a few old photographs of me in a bassinet on top of a table, and on a swing in the back yard. Oh, and the story about me falling out of my bassinet onto the kitchen floor. Ouch.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this old house will live on.