I love this old papier mache Santa face and we have had a holiday tradition the last 8 years. It involves the Santa mask, me, and everyone's favorite pug, Ms. Sophie.
Each year, Santa makes his first appearance outside our family room window after we put up our tree. He,(that would be ME) knocks on the window and up pops the Santa head yelling Ho-Ho-Ho!
Our pug, Ms. Sophie, barks and runs around the sofa. It's all in fun..no animals are harmed during these fun & games. When I come inside, she wags her tail an all is forgotten..until I say Ho-Ho-Ho again...lol We have to hide him in the closet. She won't let up until he's out of sight!
I think this little ritual stems from an experience I had during my childhood. When I was around 5 or 6 years of age, my parents had one of these Santa masks. My brother or Father (I think they took turns) would go outside and pop the Santa head up in our kitchen window. My Mom would say that we need to get to bed because Santa is checking to see if we are asleep. Good times!
So we are in the home stretch with only a few days of shopping left! I took the easy route this year and purchased gift cards and a popular item from the shop. Hope everyone has the merriest of holidays...see you next year!