As the summer comes to a close, I have repeatedly
overheard people saying that they are so ready for Fall, and I guess you could say I am too, but there are a few things I will definitely miss about summer.
Outdoor grilling, leaving all the windows and front door open to feel the summer breeze, giving the doggies a bath and watching them roll and play in the grass, early morning flea market trips in 70 degree weather, driving with the sunroof open, watching hummingbirds, butterflies and birds flapping their cute little wings in the birdbath.
Things I won't miss? The 90-100 degree days without a breeze or air conditioning, the humidity this past summer..or was I having hot flashes? Gas prices topping nearly $5 a gallon, and seeing these on every corner.Gladiator sandals.

I know, I know..They were all the rage this summer, but sorry. I don't like em'!
Not that I'm young enough to wear them, but it seems everywhere we went, there they were. Kind of like when the Crocs came to town. I guess I'm not one of those trendy gals.
It still feels like the middle of summer here and it was in the 80's today. I guess we technically have sixteen more days left. I'm trying to get in the Fall mood here people, but I need some cooler weather. Here's one little corner of my family room that has a touch of Fall. Some day I want to make it to the East coast to experience the Fall foliage for myself, since we are not so fortunate out here in California. Until then, I will have to enjoy the scenery from my East coast blog buddies. :)