It all started back in 1985...even before "shabby chic" was all the rage. My love affair with furniture covered in layers of the original old paint. When I couldn't find everything I wanted with the original paint, I would paint it,sand it, chip it. It wasn't quite the same look, but it worked. I remember one of my first treasured pieces was a table with pale pink paint with traces of green. Everyone thought I was crazy for even bringing it inside the house, but I loved it! I eventually sold most of my "brown" pieces to purchase painted ones.
I never thought I would bring in another piece that wasn't painted, until I saw this dining set last week on Craig's List. (Click to enlarge photos)

I was immediately attracted to it's lines...the legs, the little wooden was very unique. Now I know there are many of you reading this and thinking that it would be perfect in white. :) I would be lying if I said that I didn't have the same thoughts.

It came with four antique pressed back chairs which I wasn't thrilled with, but it was a package deal and how could I resist the price. 80 bucks!!!
I remembered that I had a set of 4 chair covers that I picked up for $6 at the thrift store, so I slipped them on and I'm happy with the look. I think I will leave it just as it is.

Check out my
sister blog to see a desk that
did get a recent makeover.