Sold on eBay
This style of decorating is really nothing new, but I've noticed a growing popularity for it over the past 5 years. Some refer to this style as "Industrial Chic" or "Urban Chic" I'm sure I can speak for many of you junk sisters out there who have passed up many an old metal stool or storage cabinet and are now saying, "I should have bought that!"
This opens up a whole new world for dealers looking for the next hot item to buy. I know I'm out there looking but these pieces but they are not easy to uncover.
They are just so great for display at the shows, in stores and in the home.
My favorite is the old medical cabinet pictured above. I don't own one, but I would have surely made this one mine had I lived close enough to pick it up. The eBay seller was in another state. :( They make wonderful display cabinets for a special collection. Or if you are lucky enough to have a large bath, they will hold your towels beautifully!

My husband picked up two, that's right... two of these style of old steel desks that were being tossed out over 5 years ago. These are still pretty common but a bear to move since they are so bulky. One he uses as his desk in the garage, and the other sits in the garage with piles of boxes on top. It was a project that he never got around too. It's very cool with painted red drawer fronts but the top is a mess and I doubt he will ever tackle it.

Drafting stools are very desirable and can bring a pretty penny as this one recently did on
I can picture this one as a kitchen island once it's refinished. - It was sold on eBay

Sold - 2009
This little turquoise gem has been sitting on our deck for just about 2 years now and it could use a little TLC. I would love to have it for myself, but our little house is just too small and I can't fit another thing in. It would be a cute storage cabinet, a kitchen pantry..I've been using it to hold crafting supplies but it's been outdoors so I really need to save it from further weathering.

( not for sale )
One of my favorites which I purchased on eBay around 3-4 years ago is this old medical cabinet in the original green paint. It was one of those things you might see on ebay, go completely ga-ga over and put in a ridiculous proxy bid to ensure it will be yours. I was nuts over it then, and still am today because I know I will never find another in this color. I won it for $53 which still amazes me. I may move this one to the bath to use as a little storage on the vanity.

( not for sale)
The other piece we own is in my daughter's room. It's an old medical or dental cabinet in a pale cream and black. This was a thrift store find for $20. It holds her MAC on top and she loves it because she can wheel it around to any spot in her room.
Below are just a few neat pieces that have
sold on eBay.

This neat old steel side table came out of a hospital. Imagine how many more of these there are floating around!

I have a story to tell about an old canvas laundry cart like the one pictured above. Last year, I was browsing Craig's List and came across an ad for old baskets and one old canvas basket. Well, the canvas basket was like the one picture here, only smaller. She was asking $60 for it but said she would take $50. I still thought it was a little high so I passed it up. Pass the tissue please...