Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hats by Miss Jenn

Besides dress making, Jenna has been busy making hats recently. I would say that her favorite era would be 1930's and 40's. She loves using old rhinestone buttons and millinery trim. She recently discovered an eBay seller who has pages of millinery listings. I think she may drive me to the poor house very quickly.

and my personal favorite...


Amy said...

WOWEE!!! That Jen! so talented! And sophie, what a good sport she always is:) I stilllllllllllll vant yer dowgyy! oh and ivanKA too:)

Donna Lynn said...

Your pug is wonderful, the hat aint bad either! You must check out heaven scent on my blog, Diana Lyn loves her pug girls so much, she has pic's of them on her blog.
Take care and have a great Thursday!
Donna Lynn

Sentimentally Me said...

OH My! Miss Sophie looks quite stunning in her plaid chapeau . . . . too cute! (Love love LOVE her squishy little face * what a cutie pie!)

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, love your dog and love that great display piece!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

What an amazingly talented daughter you have!

Diana Lyn said...

Love the Pug with the hat! I have Pugs! check out my site! Love toddleing around seeing all this Talent! Have a wonderful Day! Diana Lyn