Monday, September 29, 2008

Third Time's The Charm

Yes! We are moving into our very own shoppe. As I was looking through my picture folder, it just hit me. This is the THIRD shoppe for us over the last 12 months.I'm telling you girls...the third time's the charm! It will be nice to finally have a little place to call our own..painting it the color we want, and just playing house. :) There are three of us going in on this little venture and I will fill you all in on the details soon. It's been more work than I had ever imagined, but I know it will all be worth it once it's done. Things to do lists..if you would have seen mine 2 weeks ago it would have made your head spin. Our plan is to open Sat Oct 18th.

These pictures were taken last week with the old sky blue walls...yuck. The blue was replaced with a pretty color that reminds me of coffee with cream. It's much warmer and the white, black or natural wood finishes look great against it. The floors have been waxed and I will try to get a few new shots today. In just about four hours from now, the furniture will be on it's way to fill this place. I guess I had better get cracking here. Lots to do today!


Lady Jane Vintage said...

WOWIE!!!! YAAAAAY for YOU Nanc! So happy for you! Jen

Unknown said...

WOW! I can't wait to see it all finished! Can't wait to hear what the name of your shop is......Good for you! That is soooo awesome!

Anonymous said...

EXCITING... cant wait to see more pics!

A Wild Thing said...

YOU LIL' SNEAK!!! Yayyyy, I'm so happy for girls will make it work, you're hard workers with great taste, I hope it's a good location...well, it's in California...what better place, right! Got cha beat, I moved 4 times and boy am I done with it, although I am rather good at it now, laughing all the way to the funny farm!

Good luck sweety!


Cape Cod Washashore said...

How exciting!!! I can't wait to see the finished product! I'm so happy for you! If only I lived closer!!!!!!

Patina said...

What an exciting adventure! I can't wait to see all the wonderful pictures! Please..... post pictures!!!!Does that sound like begging? Good!

Sentimentally Me said...

Awesome news!! Can't wait to see it all ~ love the floor, and that awning outside, too!! Soooo happy for you!!

robin de koning said...

way to go...this is something i have wanted to do for a long time, but to chicken to actually do it! i know you will do amazing and i will definately be going your way to check it out...i'm so happy for you and look forward to seeing you and your creation...
blessings to you...

Sentimentally Me said...

Hi Nance ~ just thinking about you and your new venture and hoping it's all going well. . . you must be exhausted, but having FUN!!! Have a great weekend!