I don't know what it is, but it seems that the older I get, the
LESS STUFF I want around me. Does anyone else feel this after they hit 50? I mean, really..do
we I need all this stuff? All I know is I am tired of dusting it and I'm ready to take a break from roses. I have collected many things over the years... some may be a collection of 3, some may be 10, 15 or more. There are certain things that I think I am ready to part with, and then I take a second look and change my mind. I have gone back and forth with my tole trays and my porcelain posies. I think I am ready to start with the posies next week and here they are, all 17 of them. I have actually downsized these from over 30 so I think I am learning to let go, sloooowly but surely. I may even keep ONE just for the heck of it and it will probably be my very first one that started my obsession over 10 years ago. The antique display cabinet may make it's way into the store to be used as our jewelry display.
I will most likely put them on the website, but I am also contacting a few friends who I know have collected these over the years, just as I have. If anyone reading this post would like to adopt one or more, just contact me through my website
here. Barbara.if you are reading this. I have not forgotten you and you will have first dibs. :)

The tole trays are the next item that I will either downsize, or sell the whole bunch, but I am leaning towards keeping
just three. The difficulty lies in deciding
which three. I cannot part with the one on the bench in the first photo, since it was a gift from a dear friend. :)
There is only one on the wall I would be keeping for sure and that is the oval french one in the center. The third one will probably be a green one that isn't even pictured. So stay tuned and I will have individual photos next week.