Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tag Sales are TIRING

This was a busy weekend for me as we held a tag sale for 2 days in a row!
I usually only have them one day, but my sister convinced me to go for two and I'm glad we did. We did much better the second day and since everything was already set up, we didn't have to get up at 5:30am. Holding a sale is always so tiring, and I had no time to add anything to the web site..sorry! A few posts back I mentioned that I have something in the works and it's happening later this week...Beginning Tuesday, I will be posting a little hint to you each day with piece number 1 of the 4 piece puzzle. `o)


Amy said...

oooh yes verrrrrrrry tiring! hope you made the dough ray mees though! I could so live in Jenna's room! Love it! xo

Michele said...

I really love Jenna's room...perfect! Can't wait for the hints!!


The Old Painted Cottage said...

I can totally relate!


Patina said...

Ok, so now I'm curious!
Glad you did so well with your tag sale.

Art by Ronda Juniper Ray said...

tap tap tap tap tap

Sound of fingers drumming.

It's Tuesday here in the nation's midsection and, yes, I see by the clock that it's Tuesday in YOUR part of the country, too.

Where's hint no. 1??