The alarm went off at 5:30 and as much as I wanted to turn over and go back to sleep, I stumbled down the hall to make a quick cup of coffee. By 6am I was on the road, bright eyed and ready to find some goods. Sometimes I get lucky right away, but today I must have gone down the same rows 3 times before I spotted this....

Must have. Yes, I know I am supposed to be buying items
to sell, but can you blame me?

I have never found a birdcage stand with a bird finial on top, so it's a keeper for sure. The original cream and "that green" paint was an added bonus. It will replace the one I have...see? I can let go of things, really I can!
Next row I spot a old turquoise painted folding metal chair holding a painting. I try to act calm... deep breath. Original turquoise paint, chippy with just the right amount of rust, and a pierced design in the seat. I should have been drooling here.

"Are you selling the old folding chair?", I ask. And he replied with, "Only if you buy the set. I have 3 more." It's my lucky day. Now If I told you what I paid for these chairs, I would definitely have to kill ya. :))))

I stayed calm and collected and said ok, sure. Jane would have been so proud. :) As he helped me carry them to the car, he asked if I was going to paint them. I could hardly contain myself, but told him I really liked the color. He said he was going to powder coat them but never got around to it.. oh dear. These will go into the shop with an old folding bistro table that's been waiting for the perfect chairs...for only the last 5 years!

The last item of purchase was an antique oval frame with convex glass. Not sure what to do with this one..leave the photo in or remove it? I love the floral design on the frame. I just love these frames!
If only I could keep it all...